Irfan I am Computer Science Engineer, passionate in developing applications related to Augmented Reality and Machine Learning.

Jupyter notebook with the virtual environment

Jupyter notebook with the virtual environment

Steps to make jupyter notebook run with the virual env.

1. Create the virtual environment

conda create -n env_name python=3.6

2. Actiavte the venv

conda activate env_name

3. Install the kernel that uses the virtual env

python -m ipykernel install –user –name env_name –display-name user_friendly_env_name

4. Start the jupyter notebook

jupyter notebook

5. Choose the kernel from the UI


import sys

Deactivate the venv

conda deactivate


  1. I have installed a new package in the virtual environment. But, it is showing module not found error in the notebook. What should I do?
  • In most of the cases, just restarting the kernel in the jupyter notebook shall fix the issue. If the problem still persist, then try unistalling the package that is not being loaded and check its installed location. If the location is not inside the virtual env. try unistalling completely and install fresh.

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